Our Technologies

Real time brownian motion of SubATVax™ – C
containing our C.1.2 modified S1 sequence vaccine of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

Measurement Results

Sample Information

Date/Time 2/15/2024
SampleID C.1.2.MFLp 2yr
GroupID SubATVax-C 021522

Graph of Results


Run 1 2 Avg CV(%)
Mean (µm) 0.8150 0.8141 0.8146 0.07813
StDev (µm) 0.4899 0.4890 0.4895 0.1300
Total (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0000

Laser sizing data of the above liposomes after two years stored at 4° Celsius

Our Vaccine

1cc Syringe
1cc syringe containing 1 dose (~300ul) of our SubATVax™ – C C.1.2 modified S1 sequence vaccine of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
SubATVax™ – C C.1.2 modified S1 sequence vaccine obliquely and dark-field illuminated at 100x magnification.
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