D4 Labs, LLC in Pacific Grove, CA announced today that it has successfully prepared an adjuvanted DTaP (inactivated Diphtheria toxoid, inactivated Tetanus toxoid, and acellular Pertussis) and inactivated Poliovirus vaccine combination using its SubATVax™ technology, utilizing the same formulation in its recently issued U.S. Patent #11911461.
Dr. David Craig Wright, the Chief Scientific Officer at D4 Labs, LLC said the following:
“We have spent the last four years developing SubATVax™ technology. Our hypothesis was that we could develop refrigerated, adjuvanted vaccines, which could be administered subcutaneously in a small volume (300 μL) in a one-or two-dose format. Several approved vaccines require up to five injections for optimal immunity. Two of those are the DTaP and Poliovirus vaccines used in the United States. We have successfully adjuvanted a combination vaccine containing DTaP and Poliovirus antigens with our SubATVax™ technology. Our SubATVax™ vaccines can be administered in small volumes (300 microliters) subcutaneously through 25-gauge needles. We have also filled needleless syringes with 250 microliters of our adjuvanted vaccines. We encourage other companies, government laboratories, and academic centers to contact us about utilizing our technology with either approved vaccines, like a DTaP and Poliovirus combination, or new vaccines in development.”
For more information, call Dr. Wright at (831) 664-5464 or email davidwright@d4labs.com